Roland Juno 6. In Dublin, Ireland.
How I got it
I wasn't really sure what this was when it appeared, so it sat in Buy & Sell for at least a week before I went to see it. How it wasn't sold is beyond me, but I eventually showed up at a house and met a father selling his son's old keyboard. He sat quietly in the room whilst I donned headphones and listened for the first time to a Juno 6. I hummed and hawed to myself about its odd sound and then decided to take it home. Taking it home involved getting the DART (train) and then wheeling it two and a half miles on top of my bicycle.
When I got home I was pleased, realising just what a fantastic synth it really was (jebus - the arpeggiator). This would be my favourite poly synth for thick, warm, relaxing pads. The near mint condition is kind of nice too.
I bring to you the Roland Logo in EPS format. If you know what this is you'll be slightly interested. If you don't then you've read far too much.
Download - Roland.eps
The links below appear to be broken. I've uploaded the files that I assume I pinched off before the vanishing act. No idea who really made them or where else they are on the web, but if you were looking for them then I guess they're here.
service notes and schematics: (link down - files are just above) (link down - files are just above)
Harmony Central Review - Roland Juno 6