Latest additions - New stuff is at the top (though it used to be at the bottom).
April 2004
Hmm - it's been a year since the last entry.
Well, I moved the site to a cheaper server.
I actually recommend them, they're very good. I used them for years for that other site.
And if you do buy space from them please user this link:

(then I get $15 off my hosting - yay)
(ps - click it right before you buy it - thanks!)
April 2003 (the 21st)
I shot the Photo Section in the head. Synths and Tickets might still get updated.
I'd like to mess a little bit more with About, but Photos is closed.
A final 800 images have been uploaded to directories here.
Before I go, here's One Last London.
And I updated the FAQ a little.
March 2003 (the 29th)
I transferred three "large size" image folders from the fjp server to another server I have.
This means that fjp's server load is 131MB lighter, but a lot of the city images now reside
on This is a site I have for my goddaughter, but is mostly used
as a server test site/mail router/domain holder for cheap domain forwards/ftp site for my friends.
The fjp server load is now 726MB (the limit is 1000MB). The new space will let me finish fjp photos...
March 2003 (the 19th)
I'm already dead, but it seems that I'm still here.
March 2003. A new Tenacious D concert in Tickets.
I'll set the photo section free any day now.
But before I do this, I will update it with one final intent...
February 2003 (the15th/16th)
There was no update.
February 2003 (around the 11th)
I updated the FAQ with some more nerdy stuff I wrote on the bus.
The synth section saw additions in the form of the Nord Micro Modular and the MAM VF11.
Between December and January my user-unfriendly Spike Directory did sterling work keeping the peeps informed.
Also - initial stages have been taken on one future project, and an enhanced backend thingy.
On Sunday I cut the grass and cleaned the computer room.
December 02 (the 15th)
125 new shots of Dundrum and the Luas Bridge at Taney.
The regular photos are isolated here, the new bridge photos start here.
December 02 (the 9th)
I'm pretty happy with this one, but we'll have to see if it proves useful or not. So Hurray - I now have a postcard section, aptly named fjp postcards. It takes a personal selection of images and allows you to send a virtual postcard / ecard / whatever to the human of your choice. Nice features include message confirmation and a lot of customised bits of text. I also added in a slightly technical feature which allows almost ANY image from the site to be sent using the same format, although it involves a little more thunking (I mean thunking) on the user's part. Anyway, if you're reading this and you still haven't sent an fjp card, please pop by send someone a little something right now.
December 2002 (the 8th or thereabouts)
The Liberty Hall Movie is finished and online.
Well done Dr. J and thanks again to SIPTU.
November 2002 (23rd)
I added a faq page in my strange little about section.
November 2002 (19th)
215 new photos. Oddly enough, they're all taken in Portugal (though a few show Dublin as I flew away).
See them here.
November 2002 (4th)
It took a while, but I finished the last of the Liberty Hall images. I'd knocked out the hundred or so regular shots a while back, but the composites were big, nasty and took a little extra time. There are no update pages, since the index pages are isolated from other material. Have a look at the 98 regular shots here, and the four composite (north, south, east and west) here. Thanks to Tom Dunne at Liberty Hall for making this possible. Regualar 35mm shots were also taken, so there are super-sharp alternatives available in the fjp archives.
October 2002
There's been a bunch of new Tickets. Perhaps they're worth a read...
Liberty Hall photos are all edited except fot the composites. None online yet, but I've been busy (sigh).
August 2002 (19th)
Another quite reasonable update - 71 new images in the Composites Section, including views from the top of the new Luas Bridge in Dundrum. Of course, the Dundrum section also got an update - 137 new photos covering my trip around the Luas Bridge site, as well as individual photos of the views from the top. This brings the total number of individual images online to a scary 3558, not including the different size versions.
August 2002 (8th)
I finally put up some photos of myself.
Here they are, though they may not help much.
August 2002 (2nd)
Holy cow - 289 new photos for the Dundrum section, virtually all of them of the fantastic Luas Bridge at Taney Junction.
You'll either like this horrifically large photo album, or fall into a coma.
July 2002 (30th)
349 New photos for the City Section. This took a while, and includes a number of 35mm shots of the blackrock pools, stillorgan reservoir, and the nine arches bridge. My blatant photographic lack of georgian houses has now been rectified, and the number of photographs of buildings and ghostsigns has increased nicely. Photos are mixed in with the rest of the section, but there are double sized indexes featuring just the new stuff here.
July 2002 (14th)
This took quite a while. I scanned, cleaned, straightened, and compressed my entire Minimoog Manual to three different formats for the Synth Section in Sound. I then went on to create PDF documents that allow the user to print out the manual from the convenience of their own home. This was a big project that resulted in over 49MB of new data online.
June 2002 (27th)
Tickets and Setlists - I went to see Roger Waters on Monday and David Byrne on Tuesday.
David Byrne was the best of the two.
June 2002 (23rd)
210 New photos for the Dundrum Section. This was the first section created with Daniel's Applescript (see below), and it saved me hours of html/finder work. But the section required a total re-work, and I created completely new index pages dedicated to the construction projects ongoing in Dundrum at the moment. So if you live in Dundrum, lived in Dundrum, or are really bored, pop by and have a look. There are specific update pages for those who just want the new stuff.
June 2002 (15th-16th)
But to counter the bad server-down news (next paragraph), I had very good news from the world of people helping other people. A little while back I realised that it was possible to use Applescript to automate a large chunk of the fjp update procedure. Applescript is a scripting application for Apple Computers that can automate everyday tasks in great detail. If you're a Mac user that spends a lot of time regularly updating something or doing repetitive tasks, you should look into learning Applescript, or hire someone to write a script (application) for you. Sadly, my intended script was far too difficult for me, and after trying the Apple discussion boards (and failing) I sent a mail to Daniel Blanken ( explaining my predicament. Dan agreed to create the script, and a few days later sent me over a very streamlined looking piece of code. One (and a half) bug tests later and we had an application that was doing the job perfectly, thus cutting hours off creating updates through all sections of fjp Photos. So pop by Advanced
Scripting if you think you need a good scripter. I can strongly recommend Daniel Blanken's work.
For the tech folks, here's what the script had to do: look at folder one, take the names of the files, and rename all the files in folder two to the same names. Then go on to open each of the (html) files in folder two and change two template references to match the name of the associated file in folder one.
June 2002 13th-15th
This wasn't good, but everything's back to normal now. Due to a hosting problem, all data was lost.
There were many urgent e-mails and a few phone calls, and then I had to re-upload the entire site to a new server location (different control panels etc). The site's currently 420MB in size, which was virtually impossible for my 56k modem. So I set about uploading bare html files for Google's sake, created a quick custom 404 page, and sent out an SOS to JC (aka the Cockmaster from Tickets). JC has a nice new high-bandwidth connection in his house, and through his essential cooperation, everything was back online within 24 hours of me receiving the new ftp details.
June 2002 (the 6th)
How Wonderful - 67 New photos for the creepy People Section.
Click here to see the new photos isolated from their comrades in two large update pages.
Or else you can just visit the section in the "old-fashioned" way.
June 2002 (late at night on the 1st)
Well I just spent a while updating a load of pages (200+) so that they'd work better in Netscape.
In case you haven't noticed, I'd really prefer if this site was viewed with Internet explorer.
Internet explorer (which I used to hate, but will now admit to be the better of the mainstream bunch) basically lets me do pretty things with tables easier than Netscape does. So please use IE. You know it sort of makes sense....
I also updated some synth pages (the Six-Trak etc) but you don't really care about that....
May 2002 (still only the fifth)
I added a new "section' to the photos page. Teddy Goes To Town was created in Jan 02 when I kidnapped a bear belonging to one of my flat-mates and took it on a tour around Dublin. The entire thing was on the web and the address e-mailed out before she even knew the bear was gone. Teddy made it home safely and still lives on the couch.
May 2002
Well, they're not really photos, but I've added a new Set Lists Section to the Sound Section.
The new section has scans of the set lists I managed to "get" at concerts I saw, and should be used with one eye on the Tickets Section. And yes, I made Tickets and Set Lists into two separate sections just to be awkward.
April 2002 (around the 12th)
The new Ken Finlay Collection is now "open", although it may get description revisions in the future (my historical descriptions are just plain bad). This section contains 150 photos from Ken Finlay's personal photo collection, categorised under Aerial, History, and Others. The Aerial Section consists of aerial photos of Dublin from the 1980s and is certainly worth a visit. The History Section covers most of Dublin's famous streets, buildings and monuments the way they once were. The Others Section contains the photos that didn't fit into my convenient Aerial and History definitions.
April Fool's Day 2002 1.40am
I added in a new ticket - having gone to see some Monkees again.
Work is continuing on the kf photos, and the aerial section has been completed.
March 2002 (the 12th)
This is actually just work in progress, but at the moment I'm scanning in supplied 1980s aerial photos of Dublin, and also some historical photos. The photos belong to Ken Finlay, and we're combining a selection of his archive material with my photoshop/bandwidth amenities to produce what should be very interesting stuff. All in all there are 72 images now ready for pre-webbing, with a few more aerial shots coming down the pipeline from Ken. And since there's a scanner to hand (thx JCUK), I'm also preparing about 50 scans of old my old 35mm photos. Subjects include the Dundrum Luas line when it was a jungle, the Stillorgan Reservoir (trespassing required), more Blackrock Pools (trespassing required), pre-renovation shots of St. Helen's (trespassing required - now the Radisson Hotel), as well as a greener Nine Arches Bridge, the Dundrum Bowl, the Gasometer, and the Old Meat Factory in Ringsend. Quality stuff....
March 2002 (still only the 5th)
This one probably won't float anyone's boat, but I added in about ten new images into the Micromoog Page in the Synth Section (which is located in Sound). The Micromoog Page is currently being delivered as Google's number one result for a search under it's name, hence the need to provide as much content there as possible.
March 2002 (the 4th, to be precise).
The Composites Section gets another 56 new wide angle and super tall images. This section is still probably the best way of getting that "what it would be like if you were there" feeling. There are seperate update pages here, for those already fully versed in my composite images. Be warned, the update pages contain all 56 images split between two documents, so they're a bit slow.
March 2002 - Another reasonable update.
The Country Section gets 77 new photos. Considering is only had about 29 photos to start with, this really helps this section be something more than completely useless. There's no specific update page, which shouldn't cause too much concern to my near-imaginary visitors.
February 2002 - And some more.
The trippy Blurred Section gets 34 new images. If you're a familiar patron of the Blurred Section you can check the new images in one fell swoop here.
February 2002 - And a little bit more.
The rather random Misc Section gets 42 new images. You can visit the Misc Section in it's slightly altered entirety here, or just see the new additions in single page isolation booth format here.
February 2002 - I'VE DONE SOME MORE!!!
The People Section gets 100 new photos, with additions to the Shops, Cats & Dogs, and Apple sections as well. Thumbnail sizes are sticking with the new minor size increase, but after the hours and hours of uploading required for the City Section's newest full size images I've brought the big boys back to their original 640 pixel max size (as opposed to 720 pixel max - ouch!!!).
February 2002 - A MAJOR UPDATE!!!!!
The City Section gets 278 new photos. If you've already seen ALL of the other photos in the City section you can check out just the new ones in these six master index pages (there are more thumbs per page than normal, so it'll be slightly slower). Thumbnail sizes have been increased ever so slightly, and full size images have been increased by quite a reasonable amount for that extra bit of clarity. Enjoy.
February 2002
Some new tickets. Brian Wilson and the Fun Lovin' Criminals.
December 2001
After substantial delays I'm proud to introduce a new London Photo Section, with 131 totally new photos. I highly recommend this section, which documents portions of a trip to London I made in November 2001. There are cool photos from the airplane, cool photos from London, cool photos from the Underground, cool photos from bridges, etc etc etc.....
December 2001
I added Pulp and Ash gigs to the tickets section.
December 2001
I added some missing early concerts to the tickets section.
November 2001 - Hmmmm.
I've got about three hundred general photos which I plan to put up over Christmas, and a whole new London section that I'm going to get to as soon as possible, but currently the only recently updated sections are in the sound section. Here you'll find my new synth section (just for synthesizer or music fans) and the more interesting tickets section. The tickets section has a description of every single major musical concert I've seen and a scan of the concert ticket. So come along and see if you listen to the same stuff as I do or if (by chance) you were at the same gig.